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Featured in Woman’s Weekly
“It’s a great way to take supplements without having to swallow pills. Diso is a supplement range of clever, dissolvable strips. Its Absorbatec® technology improves the bioavailability of the actives multiple times compared to the other oral dosage forms.”
Recently featured in Woman’s Weekly, our dissolvable strips prioritise high absorption and outperform tablets and pills when it comes to making sure you can get the most out of your wellness vitamins.

Featured in The Daily Mirror
“Here’s a clever way to get your vits. Diso is a new range of vitamins and supplements that come in little fruit-flavoured strips which dissolve on your tongue, meaning they don‘t have to be swallowed.”
No more hard pills to swallow! Diso is all about making your supplement-taking experience as easy, convenient, and tasty as we possibly can!

Featured in The People’s Friend
“There’s clever technology behind a holistic supplement brand called Diso, which has formulated targeted combinations of herbs and vitamins in daily dissolvable strips that rapidly absorb on your tongue. The range includes probiotics, multi-vitamins, a collagen supplement, and B12 and B9 to improve mood and energy levels.”
Our range of completely natural health supplements such as Diso Collagen and Diso B12 are designed to be both vegan and promote better absorption of the essential nutrients packed into them.