Diso Immune System Vitamins

We seriously take for granted how nice it is to be healthy and well until cough, cold, or flu symptoms do the rounds and have us sniffling and spluttering for days on end. Stay prepared with Diso’s range of high-absorption immune system vitamins and fight off runny noses and chesty coughs before they even come knocking!

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Our immune system supplements

A healthy body is a happy body, and nothing gets you down quite like a nasty bug that probably could’ve been avoided with stronger immunity. So why spend money on endless boxes of tissues and cough sweets when you could get Diso’s selection of daily immune system vitamins? Diso has plenty of dissolvable strip supplements available to keep you fighting fit against the flu.

Vitamin C is vital for boosting immunity and warding off cough, cold, and flu symptoms, which is why we’re supplying a range of immune system vitamins and supplements that are absolutely jam-packed with this super-hero ingredient.

Designed by our experts using Absorbatec technology, our range of supplements has a focus on absorption, ensuring that you can gain the most from your Vit C Diso Strips. So say goodbye to pills, tablets, and capsules and try Diso today!

Builds up your body’s defences against coughs, colds, and the flu.

Activates immune cell responses with Vitamin C.

High-absorption properties so that you can feel the benefits of your immune system supplements.

Supports your body’s growth and development.

Why choose Diso’s immune system vitamins?

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